• Office Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

EHR & EMR Software Development

Welcome to OneEHR! We specialise in creating custom Electronic Health Record (EHR) solutions designed specifically for your needs. Our team ensures that your software meets HIPAA compliance standards. With OneEHR, you can streamline your clinical workflows, access patient information in real-time, and improve the quality of care. Experience healthcare management like never before with OneEHR.

Get In Touch With Us

    Facilitate Timely Care while Securing Your Healthcare Data with EHR Software

    At OneEHR, Our main goal is to provide top-notch services that simplify your healthcare processes. With our advanced EHR/EMR software development, we can boost staff efficiency, ensure data safety, and enhance patient care. Access medication tracking, appointment scheduling, data analytics, and integration services to streamline revenue and administrative tasks with our expert team.

    24/7 Patient care

    View real-time data for multiple patients on any device to provide the best treatments.

    Quick Billing

    Get rid of patient paperwork hassle and centralise past and current invoices for faster billing.

    Automate Clinic Workflow

    Automate and simplify physician tasks like scheduling, prioritising, charting, and prescribing.

    Centralised Data

    Sync patient data or upload it to the cloud for easy access throughout your organisation.

    What features are included in your EHR/EMR Solutions?

    Explore innovative and user-friendly features for your EHR/EMR solution.

    Real time information

    Your doctors can easily access all patient information in real-time, including medical history, past prescriptions, and current records.

    Schedule Appointment

    Let patients book appointments with specialists while doctors manage their schedules effortlessly.

    Task list

    Your staff can easily access all their tasks, including medical tests, patient health status, rounding lists, and discharge plans, through one central system.

    Document Management

    Allow your healthcare experts to securely share vital medical reports internally and externally.

    Billing & invoice

    Handle patient payments to doctors and send online invoices seamlessly.

    Patient care plans

    Let your doctors access patients’ current medical reports and provide relevant care plans through a digital system.

    Looking to Add Custom Features to Your EHR/EMR Software?

    Test out features for your project by creating a basic version without any additional budget.

    Our EHR Software Development Services

    Discover advanced software development services that we offer to promote growth and innovation.

    EHR/EMR Software Development

    Revolutionise your healthcare management with our expert EHR/EMR software development services. Our team specialises in crafting custom solutions tailored to your unique needs. We prioritise user-friendly interface design to ensure seamless adoption by your staff

    Transform your healthcare processes with our EHR/EMR software development services, including:

    EHR App Development

    Empower your healthcare organisation with tailored EHR app development services, including:

    Data Analytics Solution

    Our comprehensive data analytics services can help you gain actionable insights and optimize your healthcare operations, including:

    EHR Integration Services

    Our comprehensive EHR integration services will help you maximize your healthcare ecosystem’s potential. We offer the following services: